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The Innovation Show

The Innovation Show, a weekly show sharing ideas on innovation, change, disruption, transformation and the future of society.

Sep 29, 2022

In the workplace, gaslighting often happens when someone is trying to change beliefs about who should get the credit or blame for a particular project. Art Markman Explains.

Sep 26, 2022

Today's episode explores innovation from different perspectives: historical, scientific, sociological, cultural and practical — all through the feminine lens. It addresses the shortage of women in innovation and how important it is to address this as the first step to inclusion. This book reveals that any innovator...

Sep 23, 2022

Hidden Truths Finale: What Leaders Need to Hear But Are Rarely Told with David Fubini 00:00:00 Intro 00:00:36 Getting on Board with the Board 00:04:44 CEO's role to reach out to the Board 00:07:32 Board Theatre 00:11:28 ESG Sustainability and Stakeholders 00:15:15 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion 00:20:09 Positioning Change...

Sep 20, 2022

Courses are taught in MBA and executive development programs that provide a lot of information about the job. Direct reports and teams also observe leaders in action. But it’s not until you assume a leadership job that the reality of the position hits home.

The reality is that leaders operate in a crucible, one in...

Sep 18, 2022

In today’s knowledge economy that prizes intellectual capital—where we need all individuals to build passions and develop their full human potential—our education system is no longer sufficient. Amid the disaster since the pandemic’s assault on society and schools over multiple school years, there is...