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The Innovation Show

The Innovation Show, a weekly show sharing ideas on innovation, change, disruption, transformation and the future of society.

Jul 28, 2021

You’ve got one shot to sell your ideas...but you’re busy. So you leverage what's available: slides, data, charts, facts… and you end up with scrambled messages and no clear call to action—this is what our guest calls the Frankendeck.

Today’s book teaches us to organize our ideas, data, and insights to help our audience quickly understand what they need to know and do with the information. It arms us with a framework for crafting influential narratives that up-level the conversation and drive business results. Everyday Business Storytelling with Janine Kurnoff

We welcome the author of Everyday Business Storytelling: Create, Simplify, and Adapt A Visual Narrative for Any Audience, Janine Kurnoff

More about Janine: